No more tossing and turning with our effective blends of clinically proven botanicals and full-spectrum organic CBD to sleep better, naturally.

  • CBD Gomita Black Raspberry Rose (10ct)

  • Real Fruit CBG Gomita

  • The Dreamer

  • Magic Brownie

  • The Dreamer Remedio Tincture (1500mg CBD)

  • The Healer Remedio Tincture (1000 mg CBD, 250MG CBG)

  • The Warrior Remedio Tincture (1000mg CBD, 250mg CBG)


Your partner in sleep.

The Hemp plant is filled with beneficial phytocompounds, or Cannabinoids, with which our body is designed to thrive. Cannabionoids work by interfacing with the body’s natural cannabinoid receptors, comprising the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). That’s right, your body is literally packed with cannabinoid receptors that work with the nervous system to manage critical body functions, including sleep. Certain Cannabinoids, particualrly Cannabidiol, are effective at “triggering” your body’s ability to find calm and rest, naturally. So instead of merely drugging us to sleep, CloudWalker Farm whole plant, full spectrum CBD sleep products work in partnership with the body. The result—as multiple clinical trials attest— CBD is a winning combination for deep, restorative slumber. See you in the cloud.

The Best Organic CBD Infused Top-rated Edibles and Supplements for Sleep and Deep Rest